ELIoT Pro Whitepaper Series Part 1: Broken system
Published May 6, 2020
We introduce the first of the four parts of the whitepaper presenting our solution – ELIoT Pro. In part 1 of the ELIoT Pro Whitepaper Series, we talk about the issues associated with using password-based credentials for Human-to-Machine (H2M) authentication and the move into the post-credentials era. We are not safe – the curse of
Creating an immune system of IoT| From Enigma to IoT Ep #7
Published April 30, 2020
In this episode, we find out about Jack Wolosewicz’s, CEO & CTO, Co-Founder, first foray into cybersecurity. It dates back to the late 90s while working on protecting rights to the music files on the web. Initially, it was all about tracking music on the web and developing a system which is known as ‘digital rights
Partnership with Microsoft Azure
Published April 22, 2020
It is our pleasure to be an example of the cloud solutions adoption and partnership with Microsoft in the service of the IoT security! Check out our latest news on Business Insider Polska about our partnership with Microsoft. For Cyberus Labs, as a company dealing with cyber security, especially secure user authentication, where personal data protection
The World IoT Day. Conclusion? Unsecure IoT Networks.
Published April 9, 2020
We are experiencing a drastic change in how people are working due to this unprecedented pandemic. We reported some of the cybersecurity risks associated with working from home in our previous blog post. However, it’s not only cyber threats associated related to employees working on their personal computers at home – it’s also the ever-growing
Working From Home & Cybersecurity. A Q&A With Marek Ostafil, Cyberus Labs Co-founder & COO
Published April 8, 2020
One area that is often overlooked with this change in working patterns due to the coronavirus, is the threat of dangerous, new cybersecurity threats. These unprecedented times have resulted in a major shift in how people are working, with many organisations requiring employees to regularly work from home for the first time. We spoke to
ELIoT Pro now securing Poland’s first intelligent building – the Gliwice APA Black House
Published October 14, 2019
On October 9th, Cyberus Labs and APA Group representatives presented the integration of the world’s most comprehensive end-to-end cybersecurity solution for IoT networks – ELIoT Pro – at the APA Black House in Gliwice, Poland. The ELIoT Pro system will be used to secure user login processes with the smart building’s NAZCA intelligent building management
The journey from Enigma to Cyberus Key
Published January 12, 2018
85 years ago, Polish mathematicians: Marian Rejewski, Henryk Zygalski and Jerzy Różycki broke the famous and considered to be unbreakable German Enigma cypher. It was Marian Rejewski who had deciphered the first message coded by Enigma on December 31st, 1932. But what Enigma and this episode has to do with Cyberus Key and cybersecurity of
Are we really safe?
Published March 24, 2017
Ubiquity, usability, and ease of use – this is what we expect from various online services and mobile apps providers today. Numerous spheres of our everyday life are increasingly being moved to cyberspace. It is almost a parallel reality in which 50% of population already lives their lives. Similarly, mobile technology development has made us
7 trendów w cyberbezpieczeństwie w 2017 roku
Published December 20, 2016
Rok 2017 zapowiada się niezwykle ciekawie dla całej branży cybersecurity, jak i dla technologii IoT. Na podstawie dotychczasowych trendów oraz wydarzeń można przewidzieć, że: urządzenia indywidualne, medyczne czy środki transportu staną się doskonałymi narzędziami dla cyberprzestępców ze względu na zastosowaną technologię IoT. Dzięki niej już teraz powstają tzw. “zombie troops” gotowe zaatakować wybrane punkty i pozyskać wrażliwe
Najsłabsze ogniwo cyberbezpieczeństwa cz. 2
Published November 22, 2016
System potwierdzania transakcji poprzez SMS to również naiwna wiara w jego bezpieczeństwo. Podczas projektowania tego rozwiązanie nie wzięto pod uwagę technologii przechwytującej SMSy i podmieniającej dane transakcji, ponieważ nie była ona jeszcze w użyciu. Banki starają się nadążyć za nowymi zagrożeniami…wydając oświadczenia o wirusach przechwytujących hasła SMS.[1] Powinniśmy zdawać sobie sprawę z zagrożeń, ponieważ już