Premiere Issue of the “European Cybersecurity Market”
We are pleased to present you with the very first issue of the European Cybersecurity Market (ECM), a quarterly journal published by the Kosciuszko Institute as part of the CYBERSEC HUB initiative. One of the initial project run by the platform is CYBERSEC ACCELERATOR which helps ICT and cybersecurity startups and SMEs from Małopolska to reach international markets. Cyberus Labs is proud to be the one of the seven most innovative businesses selected to take part in the project.
We hope you will find there interesting and relevant readings which might stimulate further debate on the role of the market in securing our digital world. European Cybersecurity Market (ECM) is a platform which allows all interested stakeholders to present, discuss, and exchange their ideas concerning the commercial side of secure cyberspace: from investments, research and development, through the provision of products and services, to monetisation, future trends, and technological predictions.
Click to download European Cybersecurity Market, Vol. 1: http://cybersechub.eu/files/European-Cybersecurity-Market-Vol.1-Issue-1.pdf
CYBERSEC HUB builds on the synergy between stakeholders from the Małopolska Region in Poland, with the city of Krakow as its strategic centre. The main goal of the platform is to make the most of this accumulated technology, investment, and research in order to boost innovation and make Krakow a new European “Cyber Silicon Valley”. In the coming years, we will engage stakeholders in establishing a centre of excellence in cybersecurity that will offer a wide array of opportunities ranging from educational offerings, to research and investment possibilities, to innovative products. Designed to encourage collaboration, the CYBERSEC HUB brings together academia and business, Polish and foreign companies, start-ups, as well as local authorities and NGOs.
To find more information about the CYBERSEC HUB visit: www.cybersechub.eu