Security of our One-Time Codes | From Enigma to IoT #5
In this episode number #5 of the series on IoT security Jack Wolosewicz talks about ELIoT Pro’s security mechanisms that make it impossible to log on, even if somebody hijacks the sonic code, and how we use additional security mechanisms in our Human to Machine authentication component that prevent from impersonating the user.
For Cyberus Labs, the primary goal was to eliminate the use of credentials and create a platform where there was nothing for hackers to steal like passwords or user names. This means phishing and man-in-the-middle attacks are simply not possible using ELIoT Pro’s platform. Research shows that the latter accounts for over 90% of data breaches.
In a development context for ELIoT Pro technology, security is the first consideration but user experience must come a close second. In other words, if any new approach is not easy to use, it may not matter how secure it is because people could be less likely to use it. By focusing on usability, we developed a one-click user logon to online accounts, prioritizing the user experience, which is particularly crucial for new technologies.